
B.A. Program

There are three undergraduate majors including law, political science, administration and social work in SDU Law School at Weihai, amongst which the law is a provincial specialty and the social work is a school-level specialty. In recent years, college has paid attention to the orientation and path innovation of talent cultivation objectives, and has committed to the cross integration and upgrading of undergraduate majors and carried out a series of characteristic education orientated to national strategic and social needs, including law and English double-degree classes, computational law, inner-party law and supervision law, journalism law, law and administration, judicial and social work, etc.

1. Jurisprudence
Curriculum (Taught in Chinese).

This major is a characteristic major in Shandong Province. Since 2018, with the goal of setting up the characteristic education of law, according to the national standard of teaching quality of undergraduates jurisprudence of the Ministry of Education, the jurisprudence will actively explore the innovative mode of characteristic training of undergraduate talents to cultivate high-end applied legal talents of the first class in China with worldwide horizon and rich characteristics.

Employment Direction: organs of party and government, organs of the public security, the procuracy and the court, law firms, enterprises and institutions.

Main Courses:
jurisprudence, constitutional jurisprudence, Chinese legal history, civil law, criminal law, civil procedure law, criminal procedure law, administrative law and administrative procedure law, international law, private international law, international economic law, economic law, commercial law, intellectual property law, labor and social security law, environmental and resources protection law.

Study duration: 4 years.

Degree awarded: Bachelor of Laws

2. Political and Administrative Science
Curriculum (Taught in Chinese).

The purpose of this major is to train innovative management talents with modern social science knowledge system, systematically mastering basic theories and management scientific methods such as political science and administration, public policy science and so on. Innovative management talents with certain management ability and policy analysis ability to meet the needs of the modernization of public governance.

Employment Direction:
organs of party and government, public administration departments, enterprises and institutions.

Main Courses:
jurisprudence, constitutional jurisprudence, public administration, politics, public management, public economics, information science, social survey and statistics, public policy, social security, intelligent government.

Study duration: 4 years.

Degree awarded: Bachelor of Laws

3. Social Work
Curriculum (Taught in Chinese).

This major trains applied talents with basic theories and basic skills in social work, sociology, psychology, social security, policy and other related disciplines. Graduates are competent in judicial and social management and professional social services in many fields, such as judicial service and mediation, social welfare and community building, corrective help and employment assistance, emergency disposal and so on.

Employment Direction:
organs of party and government, public welfare organizations and social organizations, enterprises and institutions.

Main Courses:
introduction to social work, introduction to sociology, social survey methods, social psychology, general psychology, social policy, introduction to social security, social statistics, casework, group work, community work, social law.

Study duration: 4 years.

Degree awarded: Bachelor of Laws

4. Composite Talent Training Feature Classes:

1.Law and English double-degree classes

The five-year schooling system focuses on training compound talents with considerable foreign language proficiency and profound legal literacy, which is suitable for the work of Party and government organs, international politics, international trade, cross-culture exchanges, etc. Students are selected from freshmen in law school and translation college, and are awarded bachelor of law degree and bachelor of arts degree upon graduation.

2.Characteristic class of inner-party law and regulation and supervision law

The four-year schooling system focuses on training compound talents with politics, Party construction studies and legal literacy, which is suitable for the work of Party and government organs, especially for the work of discipline inspection and supervision, as well as, teaching and scientific research. The students are selected from all the freshmen in the law school and are awarded a bachelor of law degree upon graduation.

3. Characteristic class of computational law

The four-year schooling system focuses on training interdisciplinary compound talents of arts and science with the basement of law and applicable ability of data science, which is suitable for the relevant work in the fields of science and technology law, public governance and teaching and research institutions. The students are selected from all the freshmen in the law school and are awarded a bachelor of law degree upon graduation.

4. Characteristic class of journalism law

The four-year schooling system focuses on training compound journalism and communication talents who are both proficient in journalism and familiar with law. The “news + law” compound professional talent training mode is implemented. The students are selected from all the freshmen in the law school and are awarded a bachelor of law degree upon graduation.

5. Characteristic class of law and administration

The four-year schooling system focuses on training innovative management talents with basic qualities of politics, administration and law, which meet the needs of modern public governance and suitable for the work of Party and government organs, public institutions and teaching and research institutions. Students are selected from all the freshmen in the law school and are awarded a bachelor of law degree upon graduation.

6. Characteristic class of judicial and social work

The four-year schooling system focuses on specialized talents with concepts and skills of social work and the ability of judicial practice, which are competent for judicial service and mediation, social welfare and community construction, correction assistance and employment assistance, emergency response and other areas of judicial and social management and judicial services. Students are selected from all the freshmen in the law school and are awarded a bachelor of law degree upon graduation.

Centred on the subjective and characteristic education of cultivating first-rate undergraduate, the college has been improving its teaching stuff and strengthening teaching force basing on the teaching team of departments of law, public administration and social work. The teaching stuff consists of 58 tutors, including 15 professors, 20 associate professors, chief experts of national major social science projects, specialists with subsidy from State Council, new century talents of Education Department, young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contribution and eminent jurist of Shandong province. Thus, forming a high-level teaching group majoring in nomology, public law, civil and commercial law, sociological jurisprudence, international law, cross law, politics and public administration, sociology and social work and so forth; ensuring a nationwide top-level undergraduate education quality.

Postgraduate Programs

As a graduate training unit of Shandong University, Law school in Weihai Campus implements “the same enrolment standard”, “the same management model” and “the same evaluation system” in graduate education. After entering the school, the students will be trained in Weihai Campus and will be uniformly issued with academic certificates and degree certificates by Shandong University upon graduation.

The postgraduate programs include M.A. and Ph.D. training programs. M.A. programs offer full-time and part-time courses. In the M.A. program, the law school provides three different training schedules for M.Phil degree (research based), Post-B.A. in Law JM degree, and JM degree for non-law majors. The range of years for M.A. program is from three to five years; for Ph.D. program, three to six years.


No.180 Wenhua Xilu, Weihai, Shandong Province. Zip 


Tel: +86-0631-5688334
Code: 264209