Academic news

Professor Zhou Qi from the United Kingdom and Professor Jan Kleiner from Switzerland taught our students in English

Time:Aug 11, 11:01 AM

In order to further expand legal thinking, expand legal knowledge related to foreign affairs, and improve the professional level of legal English, 29 students of the law&English double degree class of our school, with the support of the International Office and the school, conducted a one-month summer school professional course in July 2020.

Professor Zhou Qi from the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom has been engaged in the research of contract law and commercial law. He has served as the editor of the "Chinese Journal of Comparative Law", which is co-organized by Oxford University Press. And he has a profound legal theory foundation. Therefore he taught the English course of "British Contract Law" for students, introduced the basic principles of British contract law andcomparedittoChinese contract law.In addition, he elaborated the establishment of contract, the misrepresentation in contract, the contract fault, contract modification and performance, the breach of contract and legal remedies. Jan Kleiner, an associate professor from the University of Zurich, Switzerland, is an elite of Swiss legal practice sector. And he is also a partner of the Bär&Karrer law firm in Switzerland, a member of the expert group of the British Sports Dispute Resolution Agency, and an arbitrator of the German Arbitration Center. In the summer school, he gave a lecture on "European Union Law" to the students, mainly introducing the basic functions and main principles of the European Union, and the rules of mutual communication among various member states stipulated by law.

In the course of teaching by the two experts, students gradually adapted to the all English teaching mode. They actively thought and presented their opinions in class; reviewed the course videos in time after class to make up for the deficiency in class. For the first time, students from the law&English class learned the relevant theories of Common Law and Continental Law and experienced the teaching of law courses in English completely in this summer school, which broadened their horizons, expanded their thinking and cultivated their interest in law. Moreover, the students’ level of legal English has been greatly improved. The implementation of summer school courses conforms with the purpose of our school to train foreign-related legal talents in the training plan of law&English class. Furthermore, it laid a solid foundation for international law and broadened the international vision of our students.


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